Almost 40% of South Africa’s workforce might report off sick due to colds and flu this winter. This is according to a study commissioned by Pharma Dynamics. Tania Goncalves, brand manager of Dettol ASL and Hand Hygiene, shares five tips on how to prevent the spread of germs at the workplace, so you don’t get sick.
The reality is that cold weather is not the cause of colds and flu, germs are, which is why by preventing the spread of germs in the workplace can be the best way for a consumer to save on their medical savings.
Here are five ways to prevent the spread of germs in the workplace:
- Wash your hands: If you have come in contact with someone who is contagious, getting rid of the germs with a sanitising hand wash can stop a cold in its track. Use sanitising hand wipes or a hand sanitiser.
- Keep some of the ‘germiest’ hotspots clean. These are your stationery, kitchen, bathrooms, office furniture, printer, telephone. Use hygiene soap, hand sanitiser, hand wipes, antiseptic liquid.
- Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, especially door handles, handrails and taps.
- Get enough sleep: A tired body is less able to fight a virus.
- Light exercise: Research presented to the British Journal of Sports Medicine says that you are 50% less likely to get a cold if you are feeling fit and active.
It is believed that the average adult may get a cold and/or flu between two and five[1] times a year, these tips will help you and your colleagues share more healthy moments this winter.
MEET OUR EXPERT - Tania Goncalves