– DSA Western Cape News –
Life Child staff get tested
Ntsiki Nkomo, one of the nurses who volunteers at DSA Western Cape did a wellness talk in Xhosa for the staff at Life Child in Philippi on 25th March.
There were 15 staff members who had their blood pressure and blood glucose checked after talk. Two of the ladies had high blood pressure, unknown to them.
– DSA Port Elizabeth News –
Provincial Hospital Pharmacy’s Demin for Diabetes Day
Our Denim for Diabetes project is managed by Megan Soanes. The Pharmacy Staff at our Provincial Hospital held a Denim for Diabetes Day on Valentine’s day. They had fun and helped our branch to raise some much needed funds. It’s so encouraging to have support from various places for Denim for Diabetes and not just from the schools. Thank you Provincial Hospital Pharmacy.
Teddy Jack
A giant teddy was so kindly donated to the DSA Young Guns before lockdown and has been kept safely till activities could be resumed. They have named him Jack and he has his own DSA Young Guns t-shirt. Jack visits the various Young Guns and he stays with them till the next Young Gun outing. Young Rudi, our youngest member, was the first one to have the privilege of taking Jack home with him. Paula Thom and Darren Badenhuizen are the ‘guardians’ of Teddy Jack.
– DSA Pietermaritzburg News –
Diabetes wellness week
Pranisha Deonarain, dietitian and chairperson of DSA PMB branch, empowered the community at local practice of Dr Kumeshnee Naicker’s diabetes wellness week. Gift packs were given to all who attended.
Eye health awareness
Mr Vikash Srikewal gave a talk to DSA PMB members regarding their eye health and diabetes. Free eye pressure testing was done.
World Health Day
On 7th April (World Health Day), DSA PMB branch hosted a health at St Mary’s Care Centre. Various activities including meditation and Zumba sessions were held and healthy foods stalls were on display.