DSA News – Autumn 2017

Diabetes SA – Port Elizabeth branch

Malabar celebration

On Valentine’s Day, Diabetes SA’s Malabar Diabetes Wellness Group celebrated the fact that, after a recess, this group was relaunched on Valentine’s Day five years ago.

Most of the people dressed in red to add to this festive occasion. Everyone present was given a special Valentine’s Day gift. The guest speaker was Manhar Makan, an optometrist, who spoke about ‘Simplifying the grading of retinal changes in a diabetic Patient’.

Manhaar Makan(centre) flanked by Surendra Daya and the Malabar committee ladies.

Manhaar Makan(centre) flanked by Surendra Daya and the Malabar committee ladies.

Diabetes SA – Pretoria branch

Diabetes SA Pretoria branch AGM

The Diabetes SA Pretoria branch AGM was held on Saturday 25 March 2017. It was well attended. Brian Midlane, the branch chairman, led the meeting and gave a report on all the branch activities for the past year. A diabetes workshop was also held during the event. 

Domestic worker event

In February 2017, Liz Midlane, the treasurer of DSA Pretoria branch, spoke to a group of domestic workers about diabetes. She explained the symptoms, the types of diabetes, the treatments, the medications as well as the consequences of a well-controlled or uncontrolled diet.

The women were grateful for the information, and the literature which was handed out. A lucky draw was held where the winners won goodie bags.