Diabetes Focus Online

Word for Word Media cc has been appointed as the publishers of Diabetes Focus Magazine. Diabetes SA and the publishers have identified that a fresh approach is necessary and we look forward to providing an exciting and innovative “new look and feel” in terms of the publication’s content.

Word for Word Media is a proficient publisher within the NGO arena, with an extensive understanding of the marketing and advertising functions. We are committed to relationship marketing, as well as keeping abreast of social networking.

Karen Joseph and her team will be committed to the successful implementation of the revised publishing strategy of the well-established Diabetes SA publication.

Diabetes Focus is the quarterly magazine of Diabetes SA and its aim is to inform, encourage and motivate people to lead a long and healthy life. The readers of Diabetes Focus seek out the articles that improve their lifestyle choices and assist in the management of the risk factors, signs, symptoms and prevention of diabetes.

Endocrinologists, Ophthalmologists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, and other medical experts in the field of diabetes provide a deeper understanding in our in-depth features on a range of topics in every issue.

The online issues will include seasonal diabetes-friendly recipes, interviews, and features on various health topics. Diabetes Focus provides an action plan for not only the person with diabetes but for their family and support system. Our mission is to educate and empower people with diabetes to cope and change lifestyle habits.

Side effects of diabetes are explained and topics such as eye complications, foot problems, pain and inflammation as well as a new section focusing on sexual health. The new look issue will also have a new column on technology in the field of diabetes. With the number of people diagnosed with diabetes increasing at an alarming rate worldwide, only advanced treatments are effective if people can use them appropriately and accommodate them within their daily lives.

The online magazine is distributed through online channels including membership subscriptions through Diabetes SA’s network of 8 branches and 70 support groups, hospitals, clinics and pharmacies.

Diabetes Focus offers you the ideal platform to advertise your products or services to specific niche with a well established loyal following. Diabetes is a manageable but chronic disease, and the magazine offers you the perfect opportunity to build loyalty and retain customers for life.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Karen Joseph
Word for Word Media
Cell: 083 259 0208
E-mail: karen@diabetesfocus.co.za


Karen Joseph - Publisher


Brain Mabaso - Advertising Sales

grey Brian Mabaso

Nomonde Marago - Advertising Sales

grey Nomonde Maroga

Laurelle Williams - Editor

Laurelle Williams is the Editor at Word for Word Media. She graduated from AFDA with a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Live Performance. She has a love for storytelling and sharing emotions through the power of words. Her aim is to educate, encourage and most of all show there is always hope. Feel free to email Laurelle on editor@diabetesfocus.co.za

Sandra De Oliveira - Design, Production & Digital Manager


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