2017 Autumn – Diabetes Focus eMag

Mingle with Margot

Greetings to all members and friends,

I hope you are all enjoying a good 2017 thus far.

I am so glad that we have incorporated the ‘Diabetes shame and blame game’ article. This is an issue which is very close to my heart; I have experienced the very same things mentioned in the article repeatedly in the 26 years that I have been with Diabetes South Africa (DSA).

Diabetes affects millions of South Africans. Yet there is very little understanding about the disease which leads to the issues mentioned in the article.

DSA is a small organisation which receives little support and funding due to the lack of understanding amongst most people. Our awareness campaigns and outreach is therefore very limited.

If each person with diabetes and their family members would make it their mission to educate one or two others with articles from our website, just imagine the impact this would have. There are approximately three million people with diabetes in South Africa, multiply this by two or three – WOW!

I encourage each one of you to do this in your own circle of friends and colleagues. You may just save someone’s health and life by doing this.

DSA SocialYour very best in health

Margot signiture


Margot Mc Cumisky
National Manager – Diabetes South Africa

Love lives here DFAut17

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